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Reiki Healing Treatment

1 h
30 British pounds

Service Description

Reiki helps to promote wellness and wellbeing by aiding the mental, emotional, and physical elements of the human body. Reiki works deep within the body treating the cause whilst balancing energies, which helps to promote a positive attitude and outlook on life. This treatment also aids spiritual growth and intuition whilst opening the chakras to detect any underlying issues within the mental, emotional, and psychical layers. ( remote distant treatments also available). Please call to discuss your requirements or further advice and guidance. Reiki can help to alienate: anxiety/depression/stress/insomnia/fatigue/IBS/ Reiki can give you back your confidence and promote self-love. Reiki can help you find your voice again by un-blocking childhood set-in traumas. Reiki can alienate physical symptoms and pain. I describe Reiki as being an all-over-body massage of the inside of your body, without being touched psychically. The energy is amazing! Treatment includes before and after consultation, healing treatment time is approx 45 minutes.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel a booking or re-schedule, please contact us at least 24hrs before your booking time to avoid loosing any deposit paid.

Contact Details

  • Embassy Court, Welling, UK


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