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Chakra Balancing

45 min
30 British pounds

Service Description

Chakra Balancing is a form of energy healing that focuses on channelling energy into the seven main chakras. The body has a physical and energetic field (the chakras are within our energetic field). These chakras can become blocked or imbalanced due to life stresses or childhood traumas, these blockages can manifest in the physical body. For example, the throat chakra is strongly linked to communication, if this chakra has become blocked you may not be saying what you need and are afraid of speaking up. The treatment releases any chakra blockages and promotes a free flow of energy to restore balance and a sense of wellness and wellbeing. If all chakras are balanced then this can help promote: Calmness within your everyday life and tasks. You will see challenges for what they are, and not be as affected by them. You can overcome past life experiences and traumas that may have held you back in life. You can assist others emotionally without their problems and energy draining you. You will uncover your confidence, energy, freedom, and happiness to feel good about yourself. . Feel your best, be your best, and be in control of your feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Treatment includes before and after consultation, healing treatment time is approx 45 minutes.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel a booking or re-schedule, please contact us at least 24hrs before your booking time to avoid loosing any deposit paid.

Contact Details

  • Embassy Court, Welling, UK


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